Wednesday, June 1, 2011

i will miss you poems

i will miss you poems. short i miss you poems. miss
  • short i miss you poems. miss

  • WildPalms
    Jan 15, 04:10 PM
    iPhone and Touch: Stay jailbroken.

    MBA: Sexy but no use to me.

    The rest: Meh...

    That pretty much summarizes my feelings too :(

    i will miss you poems. i will miss you poems.
  • i will miss you poems.

  • sunfast
    Sep 12, 08:45 AM
    Front Row 2.0 would be cool (just because it needs to be quicker dammit!) but I assumed that would come with Leopard.

    i will miss you poems. i will miss you poems. i miss
  • i will miss you poems. i miss

  • clintob
    Oct 3, 06:27 PM
    The MBP is a Pro machine. I'd be willing to be that most of Apple's pro user-base does know the difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo.

    Ahh... but you assume the average customer cares. I agree, the MBP is intended to be a pro machine. But there are a lot of customers out there who buy the biggest and brightest because they can afford it and they want it. I have a boss who doesn't know his elbow from his... well... you know. And he has an MBP and a 20" Intel iMac. He can barely use his email, but he's got the toys. And these people are not that rare... particularly when it comes to Apple. Sad but true.

    And as a minor technicality, sending IMs and loading web pages depend on the speed of your internet connection, not your processor.

    Yeah, I know... I was just making a point. Internet connection being equal, the generic apps (Safari, Mail, iChat) are all simple enough to run at basically same speed on a Powerbook G4 as they do on a brand new MacPro.

    I predict MBPs will be out sooner than you might think, otherwise Apple risks being scoffed at by the technology community

    I'm sure we'll see them soon too, if only because it's been a while since the last MBP refresh. But the people who are clamoring or saying that the tech community will scoff at Apple are mistaken. We all bitch and moan because we want the latest, but whenever it comes, even if it's in January, we'll all still buy because at the end of the day the processor is only a piece of the puzzle. Apple is head and shoulders better than everyone else, so those of us in the know will always buy... they've built more than enough confidence over the past few years to earn the technology community's trust.

    i will miss you poems. There have been 240+ posts in this thread, and over 21900 views, any number of which could be voting on posts. You do the math. i will miss you poems.
  • There have been 240+ posts in this thread, and over 21900 views, any number of which could be voting on posts. You do the math. i will miss you poems.

  • Goldinboy17
    Apr 15, 10:35 PM
    What a shame. I really like Android OS but one of my biggest complaints by far is the lack of a solid service to sync and play music with my phone/tablet.


    i will miss you poems. i will miss you poems.
  • i will miss you poems.

  • fastlane1588
    Sep 12, 07:50 AM
    yeah, yesterday.. event is over my friend.. where u been?

    u missed Steve launch off in his iSpaceShip to iMoon :D
    oh cool! yea i just realized i did the time change the wrong way

    i will miss you poems. i will miss you poems. i miss
  • i will miss you poems. i miss

  • neilmacd
    Apr 25, 12:45 PM
    First image is a good mockup but is most probably a fake.

    The gap between the screen in the top right hand corner is wider than the gap in the middle and bottom. Or is it just my eyes?


    i will miss you poems. i will miss you poems.
  • i will miss you poems.

  • dr_lha
    Oct 17, 10:06 AM
    so it's kind of a mixture here.
    1. more capacity -> blu-ray
    2. lower price -> hd-dvd
    3. porn industry choses the cheapest format -> hd-dvd

    the big thing will be the players. blu-ray players had a bad start (frames were dropped, image quality wasn't that good, delays).

    it looks like blu-ray will have a hard fight.
    The capacity argument was only really important for VHS vs Betamax because of the recording aspect. AFAIK there are no HD-DVD or BluRay recorders right now so essentially the capacity of the disk is meaningless to most people for Movies. Picture quality should be the deciding factor, and much like VHS vs Betamax, most people apparently can't see any real difference between BluRay and HD-DVD.

    Really the only thing BluRay has on its side is the PS3.

    i will miss you poems. i will miss you poems. miss
  • i will miss you poems. miss

  • Rogue.
    Apr 25, 12:32 PM
    Obviously a fake, the keyboard keys are square on mac keyboards. This photo has been stretched.


    i will miss you poems. i will miss you poems
  • i will miss you poems

  • mars526
    Apr 25, 03:07 PM

    iPhone 3G
    iPhone 3GS

    iPhone 4
    iPhone 4S

    iPhone 4G
    iPhone 4GS


    Design change every 2 years. Speed bump up next year after design change. Communication technology change every 4 years.

    i will miss you poems. im missing you poems
  • im missing you poems

  • a17inchFuture
    Sep 12, 02:48 AM
    gotta agree ron.

    It makes sense, however, just to be devil's advocate, I think the pricepoint issue is very valid to some people, and no matter how easy it is to take a widescreen ipod on the plane, they might not think its worthwhile if they can only watch one movie between charges, and the movies (on a smaller screen) might not be worth 10-15 bucks.

    Again, I see the validity, just taking the (valid) stance of the opposition.


    i will miss you poems. I WILL MISS YOU POEMS best

  • JayMysterio
    Nov 14, 10:24 PM
    Actually a crappy story is held against many movies, tv shows, books, and etc. That's why we call them crappy and they fail. Case in recent point, the drubbing that Skyline is getting, besides it's spectacular trailer. It looks good, but it came in fourth in movies this week, and word of mouth may make that as high as it goes. The complaint? Weak stories, characters, and a truly stupid & frustrating ending.

    I think what Black Ops single player suffers from is what MW2 did as well. It tries to hard, every section has to have a Michael Bay moment. The game feels it has to wow you every fifteen minutes, and in between it tries to cram in a complex story that just ends up being non sensical.

    I pity anyone trying to figure MW2's story that hasn't played the original MW. I admit I was surprised to find out that MW2's story had something to do with the first one. Not because it was a clever plot twist, but because it was pulled out of thin air. There was no fore shadowing allowing the player a chance to figure things out, as usual stories do, it was just BAM!

    The first MW was more stream lined with only two storylines, eventually dovetailing into one. Things were easier to follow, and the moments far more memorable. That race thru the tilted ship, the crawling thru the grass by the Russian army, holding them off later by yourself, and that final car chase were truly memorable moments. MW2 and now Black Ops are just one forgettable blur, that I only recall the trudging thru, not the fascination of what I saw.

    i will miss you poems. Category: Love, Miss You,
  • Category: Love, Miss You,

  • Branskins
    Apr 29, 01:29 PM
    And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.

    Come on, really?


    i will miss you poems. i will miss you poems
  • i will miss you poems

  • Neodym
    Oct 3, 05:28 PM
    Unfortunately this is EXACTLY why Apple ISN'T producing a headless mid-range Mac. They will lose out tremendously on display sales. They either want to sell you a display within the unit (iMac, MacBooks) or sell you a display with the unit (Mini, Pro). Mini users will buy one because A. they're in the store and B. don't know any better. Pro users will buy one because they are top-of-the line, beautiful screens and they, generally, have money to burn. Mid-range users (and prosumers) know well enough that they can get a cheap, good-enough monitor for $200 from NewEgg or eBay (for the daring). Instead, we prosumers either have to settle for the iMac or splurge on the Mac Pro.

    Mmmh - i see it a little different:

    Why shouldn't the so-called "prosumers" be interested in beautiful and top-of-the-line monitors as well as the "pros"? Even worse - the target clientel for a Pro computer often earn their living on those machines and they might need raw power, but not necessarily a "beautiful" screen - especially if the old one would still do its work.

    Thus i would suspect prosumers to be more willing to "burn some money" for a nice Apple screen just because it fits their lifestyle, than someone who has to invest to earn money on it. And don't forget how Apple introduced the mini - it was targetted at users who ALREADY OWN a monitor (and keyboard and mouse).

    So one of the main target groups for Apple monitors would be exactly the clientel which currently is not able to find something proper: A more powerful computer than the mini, but less pricey than a Mac Pro.

    Therefore the gap between a mini and a Mac Pro is a little big indeed! Not only because of the initial purchase cost, but also because of the cost following when you have to buy "pro" equipment (like e.g. memory) at "pro" prices as well...!

    The iMac aims at a completely different audience here and is a good complement, but never a replacement for a mid-class machine.

    If Apple wants to continue to grow they HAVE to differentiate their lineup a little more! Personally i would not mind if they would do it in the stylish area and bring up some acrylic beauty again or even introduce some really new (or at least different) ideas. But it is not that important as long as the they eventually close that huge gap!


    i will miss you poems. i will miss you poems. i will
  • i will miss you poems. i will

  • fikonhjul
    May 4, 07:12 PM
    Looks like Roambi??
    Second guess is MicroStrategy
    Could very well be, but I haven't seen that particular coolness demoed anywhere. Maybe an upcoming version of one of those, or some other business data visualizer?


    i will miss you poems. i will miss you poems
  • i will miss you poems

  • TheBobcat
    Mar 28, 11:11 PM
    Whoever stole it is still going online with it although they have not played a game. I had the Monster HD cables for the system and they only work on an HD TV. You hook it up to an SD TV and you get no video at all. I think they keep powering up the system and trying to make it work but have no clue what they are doing.

    Wait, so is it showing up again in your Connect360? Try and call the cops the minute is shows up.

    That or,

    If parents live there with the teenager(s), just ask them if their kid just got a 360 and if they would mind if you compared serial numbers to your receipt, since its showed up in range of your wireless network.

    Don't blame the kid, but be like, well maybe another kid sold it to him or something.

    I don't know about them, but at least my parents would have my ass up there in an instant with my 360 even if I had it for over a year lol. I don't even want to think what would have happened to me if it was yours.

    Actually, third idea. Just guess which house it is. And just go there and be like, I know you stole my 360 and games, I can tell from it trying to connect to my router since the house is so close. So, I'll tell you what, I'll let all this go if you just hand it over. If he denies it, just be like, okay, well, I'm taking this (log sheet) to the cops, and I can peg the IP address to you. Are you sure you don't want to do just give it back?

    And when he gives it back call the cops.

    i will miss you poems. short love quotes and poems.
  • short love quotes and poems.

  • sk8mash
    Jan 10, 03:21 PM
    Thats childish, immature and thoughtless, ok shutting down a tv wall is funny, but ****ing with a live presentation? How much effort went into that guys presentation, and then he goes a mucks it up. Thats not funny. I say ban them from mac world, and any other media event.


    i will miss you poems. ill miss you poems. i will
  • ill miss you poems. i will

  • miles01110
    Apr 21, 02:43 PM
    oh so Apple being sued isn't bad for Apple? and Apple sueing somebody isn't good for Apple because they are defending their patents? :rolleyes:

    oh so those were the only two stories that received votes? :rolleyes:

    i will miss you poems. Missing You Love Poems. miss
  • Missing You Love Poems. miss

  • maclaptop
    Apr 16, 06:27 PM
    Ahhhh.... dude... the only Apps that don't really get approved are ones that do things that can cause security risks or just plain trying to steal your information.

    Disclaimer: I am NOT directing this comment at you Popeye, it's just a comment :)

    This crap about the only apps that don't get approved is a bunch of BS.

    Steve Jobs wants you (using the word "you" generically) to believe this load of cow dung.

    The truth is, that the only apps approved are the ones that have been looked at with a magnifying glass to be sure there isn't anything that Apple does not like. They make all decisions for their users (which includes me).

    So... I'm not bashing Apple, I'm a huge Apple customer of many years and have spent tens of thousands of dollars with them.

    I know Apple well and I am simply sharing my viewpoint.

    That's it. Nothing sinister on my part.

    I neither love them or hate them. It is what it is.

    i will miss you poems. i will miss you poems. Miss+you+poems+for+; Miss+you+poems+for+. rdstoll. May 5, 12:49 PM. ATamp;T should be embarrassed.
  • i will miss you poems. Miss+you+poems+for+; Miss+you+poems+for+. rdstoll. May 5, 12:49 PM. ATamp;T should be embarrassed.

  • twoodcc
    Oct 19, 09:55 AM
    Always a good sign!

    yes it is! great news for Apple. I'm excited :D

    Apr 9, 10:28 PM
    My first foray into either series! :)

    Nov 24, 01:44 AM
    I was hoping for a little more of a discount on some of those items. I'd figure with the Nano at least $20 off from $149. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Only about 15 minutes to go for 12:00am PST! :)

    Apr 26, 11:21 AM
    Like this: 283005

    Apr 15, 05:58 PM
    I thought this was the new iPhone HD:

    Now if that's fake, they did a damn good job. (and have a ton of time on their hands)

    On a related note, does anyone know how to embed a YT video in a post?

    Patrick J
    Apr 29, 05:51 PM
    Naah. You could click on them like normal and it would slide the button over to where you clicked - or you could slide it manually. It looked slick and operated either way.

    A slider like that only makes sense on a touch interface, where you would physically move it. A user would drag it along with a finger. Very "organic".

    Animation for sake of animation is pointless. With a mouse, it is counter intuitive, when all users are used to "pushing" or "depressing" the button in.

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